.NeuroRestore is a research and innovation center spanning EPFL and the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV) that develops and applies medical therapies aimed to restore neurological functions. We integrate implantable neurotechnologies with innovative treatments developed through rigorous preclinical and clinical studies. These developments have led to breakthroughs for the treatment of paraplegia, tetraplegia, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries. By working with our network of vibrant high-tech start-ups and established medical technology companies, we are committed to validate our medical therapy concepts and see them used every day in rehabilitation clinics worldwide.

A personalized computational framework for epidural electrical stimulation

Spinal cord injuries (SCI) and Parkinson's disease (PD) significantly disrupt neurological functions. Epidural Electrical Stimulation (EES) has shown promise in restoring movement for paralyzed SCI patients and alleviating gait issues in PD patients. However, the effectiveness of EES depends heavily on several factors, including the frequency, amplitude, and precise placement of the electrodes. For optimal results, clinicians must fine-tune these stimulation protocols, a process that can take several weeks, creating a challenge for the broader use of this therapy.At .NeuroRestore, we are continuously advancing a computational framework for EES, aimed at making this therapy more scalable and efficient. In this master’s thesis, the goal is to further enhance and optimize this framework using medical imaging, biophysical simulations, and electrophysiological data. During the thesis, the student will gain hands-on experience in computational modeling, data analysis, medical imaging and artificial intelligence techniques, contributing to the development of a more efficient and personalized approach to EES therapy.

What You Will Learn:

  • Computational modeling of spinal cord function

  • Advanced data analysis techniques

  • Application of artificial intelligence in medical technology


  • Python - Pytorch

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Data analysis

 Bonus skills:

  • Python - 3D visualization (Mayavi/Blender)

  • Computer-aided design (CAD)

  • Computational Neuroscience

Location: .NeuroRestore (CHUV-Lausanne)
Contact: Sergio Daniel Hernandez Charpak:

Jimmy Ravier